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Navigating through the Green Claims Maze


3. Oktober 2024


16 : 00



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Insights from the European Commission

We are excited to invite you to the next EACA Chats where we will share insights from a significant meeting between our EACA Sustainability Delegation and the European Commission regarding the Future of Green Advertising in the European Union.

In this edition of EACA Chats, we will hear directly from the EACA delegation, including Chris Upton, Wim Vermeulen, Mónika Magyar, and Valentina Méndez, who recently met with Małgorzata Gołębiewska, Team Leader for Environmental Footprint & Green Claims at the European Commission. They will discuss the key outcomes of the meeting.

This is a unique opportunity to understand the implications of the Green Claims Directive and how to navigate these changes in your work.

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